Everyone deserves the dignity of having essential menstrual supplies
Renewing Dignity, Inc. (RD) is thrilled to announce that effective January 1, 2024, RD is merging with Feeding Northeast Florida (FNEFL). Merging with our longtime, forward-thinking, strategic partner, FNEFL, provides RD the ability to expand and grow its footprint in Florida and leverage resources for increased efficiency and scale.
Why We are Here
One in five women experiencing low-income report a lack of access to period supplies (an estimated 100,000+ women and girls in Northeast Florida). This health and safety issue is linked to using unsanitary substitute products, stretching product usage, and missing work, school and similar events. Furthermore, menstrual products are not eligible for purchase through safety net programs such as SNAP (food stamps) and WIC.
What We Believe
We want to ensure that every woman, girl, and person that menstruates is empowered to manage their menstruation safely, hygienically, with confidence and without shame, where no one is limited by something as natural and normal as her period.
Leveraging our partner Feeding Northeast Florida’s purchasing and distribution strengths, your dollars go much further!
We need volunteers, allies, partners, and social media followers. Please check out how you can get involved!