The Monthly Period-ical June 2021 Issue
In this issue, we feature:
AKA River City Pearls Donates 12,000 Tampons and Pads!
Renewing Dignity now partners with over 70 organizations!
Donor Profile, Jack Kennedy
Volunteer Spotlight, Hayden Prince
Menstrual Matters, Kendra Gillespie, M.D.
Period Poverty Awareness Week, May 24-30
AKA President Vernice Whitfield and Vice President Toni Sweeting with Jan Healy, Renewing Dignity Founder and President.
AKA River City Pearls Donate Thousands of Period Products
The River City Pearls, an interest group of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority, held a contactless drive-by feminine product collection May 22 at Terry Parker High School. The event was held in honor of all mothers, resulting in over 12,000 individual menstrual products being collected. The items were donated by AKA and members of the community. AKA is an international service organization founded in 1908 at Howard University and is the oldest Greek-letter organization established by African-American college-educated women. Thank you, AKA!
Renewing Dignity now partners with over 70 organizations getting period supplies to people who menstruate! Because of Renewing Dignity’s generous donors and through our partnership with Feeding Northeast Florida, we are able to purchase and distribute menstrual supplies throughout eight counties in Northeast Florida. These collaborations are truly impactful, allowing women and girls to participate in work, school or other activities and not miss out due to a lack of feminine products. For a full list, visit our website.
Renewing Dignity donor Jack Kennedy has seen poverty. Prior to retirement, he was a partner of a wood pulp sales trading agency based in New York City, requiring him to travel all over the world, including Third-World countries, which made poverty “very real.” As a result, he felt he could be a part of the solution. “I believe one of the reasons I started giving to Renewing Dignity was that the organization deals with a real problem directly and not some big expansive system,” Kennedy said. Even though period poverty isn’t the most comfortable topic for men, Kennedy is thrilled to be a part of Renewing Dignity. “It’s been exciting to see Renewing Dignity’s commitment to eliminating period poverty and the organization’s drive to solve the problem,” he said.
What do you enjoy about being an Renewing Dignity volunteer At the distribution events, I love seeing how we are making a direct impact to the people in our community. It’s nice to see the people you are helping.
What has been your coolest experience as a volunteer? One of the regulars at the distribution called me “The Tampon Lady!” It definitely made me laugh!
How long have you lived in Jacksonville? I moved to Jacksonville a year ago from Austin, Texas. I have lived all over the United States, but I represent Austin the most.
What do you do to de-stress or relax? Laying out on the beach with a good book.
Every year, women fear going to their GYN doctor for the visit they believe solely consists of everyone’s favorite exam – the pap smear! Some patients tend to be more anxious and show up religiously every year asking their doctors to check them for every tumor possible. For 70 to 80 percent of women, there are actually tumors that don’t necessarily pose the same concern as cancer does. These are fibroids, which can vary in terms of size, location in the uterus and the extent to which it’s bothersome. The most common symptoms that prompt patients to present for evaluation include heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding in between periods, pelvic pain/pressure and feeling bloated. Evaluation of fibroids is done via pelvic ultrasound. Depending on the severity of symptoms, any treatment modality can be used or if there are no symptoms, nothing has to be done and the risk to the patient is minimal. Medical management with pills or injections can be attempted to decrease the amount of bleeding or size of the fibroid, and, sometimes, surgical or procedural intervention may be the best option. Your specific case should be reviewed with your health care provider to address the treatment options that would best suit you.
Renewing Dignity has distributed 1.2M tampons and pads to women in girls in need. With a donation, you can join the movement to end period poverty because all people deserve the dignity of having essential period products. Please consider making a donation today.
To kick off Period Poverty Awareness Week, nearly a dozen Renewing Dignity volunteers came out and tabled at the Riverside Arts Market May 22. Volunteers talked to numerous community members, handing out information about period poverty and providing free period product gift bags to those in attendance. We also kicked-off the Why Do You #Love Renewing Dignity social media contest, where five winners will receive prize packs with goodies like Natural Life T-shirts, blankets, hair ties and key chains! Enter today by following us on Twitter @RenewingDignity, then share in either words or a photo why you love us. Be sure to use the hashtag, #loverenewingdignity, in your post so you will be entered into the contest. The contest runs through Friday, June 4, so don’t miss out on some FREE swag!